St. Joseph Veterinary College Alumni Association
In 1960, Dr. R.S. Paige (SJ 1921) began writing to a number of the alumni, inviting them to gather at his home in Alexandria, Louisiana, for a reunion. Several responded to his hospitality and met there July 12-14, 1960. The gracious hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. Paige was assisted by their son and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Chester Paige (KSC 1932). They visited the home of Mrs. Virginia Fitzgerald, who with her family had restored the historic, old Lloyd Home, built in 1816 by one of the Lloyds of London. On July 13, an organizational meeting of the St. Joseph Veterinary College Alumni Association was held. Dr. A.F. Ezzell (SJ 1921) of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was elected President; Dr. R.S. Paige, Vice-President and also Honorary Organizing President for Life; Mrs. John Collins of Tulsa, Historian; and Mrs. Charles D. Tofflemire (SJ 1921), Secretary.
In 1961, a second reunion was held at the Paige’s home in Louisiana. Dr. Ezell presided at the business meeting. All officers were elected to serve another year. It was voted to hold the 1962 meeting in St. Joseph, Missouri. St. Joseph proved to be an ideal meeting place, and on October 13-15, 1962, more than 30 men and their families came from 14 states. After an informal dinner on Sunday evening, a business meeting was held, with Dr. Ezell in charge. It was voted to issue a roster of all the alumni, with addresses as up to date as possible and with the deceased listed. All men present donated $5.00 to this project. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Dr. D.C. Wilke (SJ 1923), President; Dr. J.B. Sigrist (SJ 1923), Vice-President; Mrs. P.C. Lahs (SJ 1923), Historian; and Mrs. Charles D. Tofflemire, Secretary-Treasurer. The dates of October 19-20 were set for the 1963 meeting with informal visiting on Friday evening, October 18. On Monday noon, the group was entertained by the Goetz Brewing Company in their famous Stein Room where valuable steins are on display from all over the world.
The St. Joseph Veterinary College Alumni Association continued to meet in St. Joseph in October. In John J. Riordan's book, "Horses, Mules and Remounts: The Memoirs of a World War I Veterinary Officer" published in 1983, Riordan states, "We are down to ten or twelve members who are physically able to attend, the oldest member being 95. I had the honor of serving as Alumni President for the Bicentennial Year – 1976."