Our Centennial: A Century of Excellence! 1905-2005
Ophthalmology - 1969
Students performing surgery - 1969
Students x-raying a dog - 1969
Microanatomy students - 1970
Classroom scene
Teaching resources videotaping gross anatomy - 1974
Examination room in Dykstra - 1975
Groundbreaking for Vet. Clinical Sciences - 1975
Groundbreaking for Vet. Clinical Sciences - 1975
Ophthalmology - 1976
Construction of VCS - 1977
Dedication of VCS - 1977
Equine Surgery - 1980
Field service - 1981
CVM Entrance sign - 1982
Small Animal Surgery - 1982
Trotter Hall dedication - 1986
Students working on a steer - 1989
CVM Complex - 1990
Birthing center at Kansas State Fair - 1992
Pat Oblander supervises the computer lab - 1992
Classroom scene - 1993
Dr. Chris Ross and students - 1994
Equine Endurance Run - 1996
Vet Express - 1996
Dr. Kevin Hankins performs field service - 1997
The Kind family at dedication of Kind Statue - 1999
Mosier family at the dedication of Mosier Hall - 1999
The Coles family and faculty members at Coles Hall dedication - 2000
Annual Telefund - 2000
Coles hall fire - 2001
First Annual White Coat Ceremony - 2001
MRI in Radiology - 2002
MRI in Radiology - 2002
Bio-Security building groundbreaking - 2003
Dr. John Noordsy received the 2004 Amstutz Williams Award from the American Association of Bovine Practicioners