The following information is provided to any guests (visiting professors, conference attendees, and others) who are at K-State on a temporary basis. Kansas State University grants permission to guests to use portions of the campus network.
Accessing the Network
Visitors can connect to the KSU Guest wireless network at any of the wireless locations on the K-State campus, including the CVM complex.
All guests using their personal computer on the K-State campus network must:
- Have an up-to-date antivirus program with current definitions installed on their computer.
- Have their operating system patched with the latest critical updates.
- Have their machine clean of spyware, viruses, trojans, and worms
- Have strong passwords on all accounts.
Please note that the University actively monitors the campus network for vulnerabilities and exploits. Authorized guests who connect to our network who do not have the above installed, or who have an infected or compromised computer, will be blocked from accessing the campus network.
Free Antivirus Programs
If you do not have an antivirus program running on your computer, the following are two free antivirus programs available for download:
- Microsoft Window Defender - included with and built into modern versions of Windows.
- Avast - Avast is free for home and non-commercial users and checks for updates every time you connect to the internet (or reboot if you have a cable/dsl type connection). Avast also features audio notification of virus updates and alerts in addition to displaying them in pop-up boxes.
- AVG Antivirus - AVG is free for private, non-commercial, single home computer use. Its features include automatic updates, real-time protection, an e-mail scanner, and free virus updates for the life of the product.
Free Malware Removal Programs
To remove Malware from your computer, try one of the following free malware removal programs available:
- Spybot - Spybot detects and removes spyware from your computer.
- Ad-Aware - Ad-Aware is free for non-commercial use and provides advanced protection from malware.