Animal Use Policy
Statement on Animals Used in Research, Testing and Teaching
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
The College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, endorses and abides by the American Veterinary Medical Association policy on Animal Welfare as formulated by the AVMA Animal Welfare Committee. Notably, that policy includes the following statement:
Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Education
(Approved by the AVMA Executive Board 1983; revised November 1995; November 2007)
The AVMA recognizes that animals play a central and essential role in research, testing, and education for continued improvement in the health and welfare of human beings and animals. The AVMA also recognizes that humane care of animals used in research, testing, and education is an integral part of those activities. In keeping with these concerns, the AVMA endorses the principles embodied in the "Three R" tenet of Russell and Burch (1959). These principles are: refinement of experimental methods to eliminate or reduce animal pain and distress; reduction of the number of animals consistent with sound experimental design; and replacement of animals with non-animal methods wherever feasible.
The use of animals in research, testing, and education is a privilege carrying with it unique professional, scientific, and moral obligations, and ethical responsibilities. The AVMA encourages proper stewardship of all animals, but defends and promotes the use of animals in meaningful research, testing, and education programs.
The AVMA condemns all acts of violence, vandalism, or intimidation directed toward individuals, facilities, or tertiary organizations affiliated with the use of animals in research, testing, or education.
Within the College of Veterinary Medicine all animals involved in research, testing and education will be limited to protocols approved by the campus IACUC, housed in an AAALAC accredited facility, and will receive care that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, the Health Research Extension Act, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals Used in Agricultural Research and Teaching, and/or recognized species appropriate care and use guidelines for non-traditional laboratory animals.
The KSU Veterinary Health Center is a full-service hospital charged with the missions of veterinary service to the public and the clinical training of tomorrow's veterinarians. Client-owned animals under the care of veterinarians in the teaching hospital will be cared for within the guidelines of the Kansas Veterinary Practice Act.