K-State 2025

In February 2010, Kansas State University launched an ambitious planning initiative with the visionary goal to be recognized as a Top 50 Public Research University by 2025. Building on our collective history as a public land-grant institution, we embarked on a planning process that was inclusive and exciting. With broad involvement, K-Staters worked together to craft our future. The dialogue throughout this planning effort was as important as the final plan itself.

Realizing the vision of K-State 2025 requires an institutional commitment to planning and holding ourselves accountable at all levels. In September 2011, President Schulz announced an ambitious planning initiative to align College/Major Units and Departmental planning with the K-State 2025 visionary plan as well as to further define University metrics for reporting our progress.

Colleges and Major Units submitted completed Strategic Action and Alignment Plans in December 2012.

Strategic plans

K-State 2025 Strategic Direction Action Plan and Alignment Template
for the College of Veterinary Medicine

K-State 2025 Visionary Plan

Report of college research strengths

College of Veterinary Medicine Report on Areas of Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Discovery (RSCAD) Strength (pdf)