About the VMAA
VMAA Facts
The Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) was established in 1905 with the first graduation in 1907. Since then, more than 6,000 men and women have been granted the doctor of veterinary medicine degree. The CVM's Veterinary Medical Alumni Association (VMAA) was organized in 1958 through the initiative of Dr. E.E. Leasure, dean from 1948-1964. The VMAA has oversight of the CVM alumni program. Membership dues were added to the by-laws and constitution in 2000 to help defray the rising cost of alumni events.
Alumni Receptions
The VMAA coordinates, sponsors and hosts five alumni receptions at major conferences in the U.S. and Canada in coordination with the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The VMAA presents Alumni Recognition Awards at five professional conferences each year. In addition to these, there are three awards given at the Annual Conference for Veterinarians in June: Distinguished Alumnus, E.R. Frank and Outstanding Young Alumnus. Nominations are solicited and compiled for selection by the VMAA Executive Board.
The VMAA also oversees the maintenance of alumni records and historical documentation.
Class Involvement
A class biography booklet is compiled and made available for each class member returning for their five-year reunion. This documentation is essential to our records and for identifying alumni for recognition.
Classes have reunions on five-year rotations. This brings approximately 10-12 classes back to their alma mater for a reunion each year. The reunions are held in conjunction with the Annual Conference for Veterinarians in June.