Class of 1988
10-Year Reunion (Kansas City)
Class of 1988 Kansas City ReunionLeft to right:
Back Row: Darrel Clark, Jim Speer, Bill Baus, Tim Cantrell, and Mark Wachal.
Second to Back Row: Dave Atherton, Leon Conner, Scott Hay, John Smith, Annette Frerking-Bunch, Les Hatfield, and Ann McHugh-Kalush. Center Row: Laurie Hanson, Jennifer Dunton, Skip Koster, Mary Stech, Cyndy Taylor, and Doug Schwenka.
Second from Front Row: Kevan Flaming, Sheryl Brown, Mark Heinrich, Sally Calamaio, Deb Southwick-Alexander, Cheryl Schmidt, and Rose Kube.
Front Row: Bryce Peckham, Mike Brown, Royce Wilson, Andrea Baldauf-Straub, Brenda Shufflebarger-Flaming, Mike Cohn, and Randy McCallum.