Initiative Program
Celebrating the class with the highest annual gift participation

The class initiative program was launched in 2003 by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, with the feedback and help of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association’s Executive Board. The program was adopted from other colleges administering similar programs. It is a fun way to give alumni an avenue of opportunity to participate in the investment of their alma mater through annual gifts. What a wonderful challenge it is to have classes strive for 100% class participation.
The competition is between the five-year reunion classes during the fiscal year they are to meet. Participation is calculated by the percentage of each class that responds, not by amount raised. The Reunion Achievement Award, pictured at left, is presented to the class with the highest participation at Heritage Evening during the Annual Conference for Veterinarians. It is then displayed in the Dean’s lobby in Trotter Hall.
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Congratulations to the Class of 1956 for winning the 2016 “Reunion Achievement Award.” The class was recognized during the VMAA Alumni Brunch at the 78th Annual Conference for Veterinarians.
The 1956 classmates won with 69 percent participation in cash-giving of the returning reunion classes for the 2016 fiscal year. The class of 1966 placed second with 60 percent participation and the class of 1971 & 1961 tied for third with 50 percent participation.
A special thanks to all who participated.
Congratulations to the Class of 1955 for winning the 2015 “Reunion Achievement Award.” The class was recognized during the VMAA Alumni Brunch at the 77th Annual Conference for Veterinarians.
The 1955 classmates won with 67 percent participation in cash-giving of the returning reunion classes for the 2015 fiscal year. The class of 1965 placed second with 57 percent participation and the class of 1970 came in third with 57 percent participation.
A special thanks to all who participated.
Pictured: Class of 1955 at their reunion.
Congratulations to the Class of 1963 for winning the 2013 “Reunion Achievement Award.” Dr. Justin Janssen, president of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association, presented the award to Dr. Clifford Noffsinger, who accepted the award on behalf of his class at Heritage Evening, June 2, during the 75th Annual Conference for Veterinarians.
The 1963 classmates won with 58 percent participation in cash-giving of the returning reunion classes for the 2013 fiscal year. The classes of 1968, 1978, 1988 and 1993 all tied for second place with 40 percent participation. Together all the 2013 reunion classes raised $53,879.89 for the College of Veterinary Medicine.
A special thanks to all who participated.

Congratulations! The class of 1967 is being honored with the “Reunion Achievement Award” for having the highest participation (45%) in cash gifts given among the returning reunion classes for fiscal year 2012. This award is hung in the lobby of Trotter Hall.
The award was accepted by Dr. Braum on behalf of his class of 1967 at Heritage Evening during the reunion weekend and Annual Conference for Veterinarians in June.
Together the classes raised approximately $110,000 for the college. Classmates gave to their class projects or supported their area of interest within the college.
A special thanks to all who participated.
Pictured above, left, is Dr. Justin Janssen (1972),
President of the VMAA, presenting the Reunion Achievement Award to Dr. Roy Braum (1967), right.
Congratulations! The class of 1966 is being honored with the “Reunion Achievement Award” for having the highest percentage of cash gifts given among the returning reunion classes. Unfortunately, the class of 1966 was not in attendance at Heritage Evening for the presentation of the award so they are not pictured here. They were celebrating their 45th reunion at the Brethour Ranch near Maple Hill.
Together the classes raised $56,052.63 for the college. Appreciation goes to all who participated. Please find the FYI report enclosed.
Congratulations to the Class of 1970 for winning the 2010 “Reunion Achievement Award.” Dr. Mike Moore, president of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association, presented the award to those class members present at Heritage Evening, June 6, during the 72nd Annual Conference for Veterinarians.
The 1970 classmates won with 64 percent participating in cash donations to the College of Veterinary Medicine in fiscal year 2010. They raised $14,894.
The class of 1970 beat the class of 1955 by 1 percent. The 1960 class came in third at 53 percent. Together the classes of 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 raised $112,587 by gifting to their areas of interest within the College of Veterinary Medicine. The college extends a special thanks to all of you who joined in the competition.

Dr. Gregory Bogue, President of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association, presented the “Reunion Achievement Award” for 2009 to the class of 1959. Classmates receiving the award on behalf of their class are, left to right: Drs. Sam Graham, Howard Erickson, Norman Morrow, Sam Strahm, Richard Hackler, Jim Smart, and Dale Hodgson. The class of 1959 had 56% of their classmates give a cash gift to the college in fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008-June 20, 2009). The presentation was made during Heritage Evening at the 71st Annual Conference for Veterinarians. Classes of 1964 and 1969 tied for second place at 47% participation.
Together the classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004 collectively raised $150,335 for the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. William Brown, President of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association, shows the 2008 Reunion Achievement Award to Dr. Dallas Nelson, Class of 1953, Dr. Cliff Noffsinger, Class of 1963, as Dr. Ralph Richardson, Dean, looks on. Drs. Nelson and Noffsinger are representing their classes who tied for the highest gift participation during the returning class reunions’ class initiative competition. The presentation was made during Heritage Evening at the 70th Annual Conference for Veterinarians. Together the classes of 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998 and 2003 raised $230,144 for the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. William Brown hands out the 2007 Reunion Achievement Award to the classes of 1952 and 1967 who a tied for the highest gift participation.
From left, Dr. Dan Upson, class of 1952; Dr. Brown, president elect of the VMAA; and class of 1967 representatives Dr. Robert Cartee, Dr. Darell Haeker, Dr. Roy Braum and Dr. Joe Baber, received the award during the Heritage Evening banquet at the 69th Annual Conference for Veterinarians.


Dr. Richard Wampler represents his class of 1955 as he accepts the 2005 Reunion Achievement Award presented by Dr. Alan Lewis, President of the VMAA, at Heritage Evening during the 67th Annual Conference for Veterinarians.
Class of 1959 receiving the 2004 Reunion Achievement Award from Dr. Ralph Richardson during the 66th Annual Conference for Veterinarians at Heritage Evening. Left to Right: Drs. Clem Darrow, Jim Smart, Sam Graham, Howard Erickson, Ralph Richardson, Sam Strahm, Dale Hodgson and Norman Morrow.

Dr. Ralph Richardson makes the 2003 Reunion Achievement Award presentation to Dr. Marion Hammarlund, Riverside, CA, as he represents his Class of 1953 at the 65th Annual Conference for Veterinarians during Heritage Evening.