KSU CVM Guidelines for Student Organizations


  1. Student club officers are responsible for posting organizational events by mass e-mail and on the student organization calendar through the CVM website prior to the event. https://iweb.vet.k-state.edu/students/calendar.html

  2. Student Clubs must have a KSU faculty member as an advisor.

  3. Student club officers must review the list of potential external speakers with faculty advisors prior to extending the invitation to speak.

  4. Student club officers are in charge of scheduling the rooms with the Dean’s Office and hosting and providing classroom support for invited speakers.

  5. Faculty advisors must review and approve the content of public displays.

  6. Any commercial-sponsored speaker or event must be approved by the guidelines outlined in the handbook under Guidelines for Commercial-Companies.

  7. Student club officers and faculty advisors involved in planning continuing education (CE) events for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and producer groups must provide a proposal to the Director of the Veterinary Medical Continuing Education (VMCE) unit six months in advance. The Director of VMCE and the faculty CE committee will review these proposals with a final decision reported back to the student and faculty advisor within 30 days.

  8. All proposals to create new Student Organizations need to be formally presented to the Executive Board of the SCAVMA. The proposal should include a constitution, mission statement that is unique to KSU-CVM, faculty advisor, and essential officers including President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.