CVM Social Media Policy
Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the AVMA state “A veterinarian shall respect the rights of clients, colleagues, and other health professionals, and shall safeguard medical information within the confines of the law." The College of Veterinary Medicine embraces these principles to guide the professional behaviors of all students, staff, and faculty in the CVM. The CVM encourages individual rights to self-expression and the use of social media. Please be aware of and follow these professional guidelines for independent self-expression.
This policy applies to all professional, graduate, and undergraduate students, staff, and faculty, and to any personal communications within a social media platform which directly or indirectly reference the University. Social media platforms include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter, as well as blogs, discussion forums and any website which allows public commenting or posting.
Reposting of material from official university or CVM social media sites onto personal social media platforms is encouraged to further the university mission and educate or engage the public.
Students, staff, and faculty cannot post audio recordings, photographs or videos of other students, employees, or people engaged in college business or events without specific approval from the dean or an appropriate administrator responsible for the activity in question (e.g., department head, unit director, faculty instructor). Posting photographs or detailed descriptions of work performed or observed in the college or activities during externship experiences must be approved by the faculty member, staff member, and/or supervising veterinarian prior to posting of material. Posting client or patient information on social media platforms is explicitly forbidden.
Faculty may utilize social media and online platforms to enhance student learning. Materials or details relating to classes and laboratories cannot be posted to social media platforms without permission of the faculty instructor responsible for the materials and classroom activities.
Communication or posting of unapproved material related to the CVM, CVM activities, clients and patients of the KSU-VHC or KSU-VDL, or CVM research or teaching activities on social media platforms is unprofessional and may pose legal consequences for the CVM and its personnel. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including potential dismissal from the DVM or graduate educational program or loss of employment.
Adopted October 16, 2018