Student Governing Association Constitution and Judicial Code

Constitution of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior

  1. Principles

    Honesty and personal integrity are necessary foundations for human relationships and especially are fundamental characteristics in the success of individuals of a profession and in the education of its members. Continued cultivation of ethical philosophy can be effectively achieved within the professional curriculum of the veterinary student, not as a separate course in ethics per se, but in the daily contact with fellow students and faculty. Individuals should be cognizant of the responsibility they bear in their daily actions, for these actions should reflect the professional ethics subscribed to by the individuals.

    Professional conduct not only upholds honor and dignity, but also enlarges the veterinarians’ sphere of usefulness, exalts their social standards and promotes the science they cultivate. Veterinary students should conduct themselves in relation to the public, fellow students, and patients so as to merit confidence and respect. The self-imposed discipline of the profession should prevent them from committing any act that may reflect unfavorably upon the worthiness of the profession or the individual.

    The principles covered in this document are not intended to cover the entire field or veterinary medical ethics. An important concept is the formation of a professional attitude, which allows perplexing situations to be handled in an ethical manner. The primary responsibility for the maintenance of ethical conduct lies within the individual student, but in addition the correction of unethical practices by a student is the responsibility of fellow students. The Board of Ethical Behavior (hereafter referred to as The Board) should not be used to avoid individual responsibility.

  2. Board Membership

    The Board shall consist of a Chancellor, Clerk, and two Justices from each class. These will serve a term of two semesters beginning with Fall semester following their appointment.

    The Board will be appointed by the first day of May by the Associate Dean from a list of six students from each of the freshman, sophomore and junior classes as selected by a vote of the members of each class, except the next incoming class will of necessity select six students to be submitted to the Associate Dean who will make his selection at the earliest opportunity after the Fall semester begins.

    If any member is unable or disqualified to serve his or her complete term, a replacement shall be selected from the original list by the Associate Dean. The Chancellor and Clerk will be elected from the list of six students submitted by the third year class.

  3. Responsibilities

      1. The Board

    The Board is established for three main purposes: 1. It should assist in the education of student members of the College of Veterinary Medicine concerning the Constitution of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior. The Chancellor of the Board shall meet briefly with all new incoming students of the College of Veterinary Medicine during their orientation program. 2. The Board shall be prepared to deal justly with any reported infraction of the Constitution of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior of the College of Veterinary Medicine, when said infraction cannot be effectively dealt with on a personal level. 3. The Board will advise the Dean on matters of professional advancement pertaining to student conduct.

      1. Meetings, The Chancellor, Clerk, and Justices

    A valid meeting of the meeting of the Board shall be attended by at least 5 to 8 Justices, the Clerk, the Chancellor and, where appropriate, the accused and the accuser. All other persons must have the permission of the Chancellor before attending a Board meeting.

    The Chancellor shall: (1) serve as chairman of the Board, (2) call all regular and special meetings as required, (3) preside at all meetings, (4) initiate and aid in investigation procedures when violations of the Constitution of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior are reported, (5) report all recommendations of the Board to the Dean. The Chancellor shall not vote.

    The Clerk shall: (1) act as secretary, (2) issue notices to appropriate persons to appear before the Board, and (3) aid the Chancellor in investigation procedures of reported violations. Records and/or transcripts of Board investigations and proceedings shall be made and filed in the Dean’s Office. The Clerk shall not vote.

    The Justices shall consider the evidence presented regarding alleged violations of the Constitution of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior, and act as a deliberating body to determine whether the person or persons charged with the violation are guilty. A recommendation having the approval of simple majority of the Justices attending the meeting shall be advanced to the Dean.

      1. The Dean

    It shall be the responsibility of the Dean to: (1) acquaint all faculty with the Board’s function and responsibilities, (2) approve or disapprove part or all of any recommendations submitted to his office by the Board, and (3) consult and involve any acting administrative committee as determined appropriate by his office.

    1. The Faculty

      It shall be the responsibility of each faculty member teaching in the College of Veterinary Medicine to be acquainted with the provisions of this constitution.

  4. Causes For Board Judicial Action

    Conduct by any student which reflects adversely upon the College of Veterinary Medicine or harmfully influences the ethical conduct of its students body shall be brought to the attention of the Board. It shall be the responsibility of each student in the College of Veterinary Medicine to act professionally, ethically, and above reproach. (See the most recent revision of Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics Opinions and Reports of the Judicial Council of the AVMA Directory). Professional conduct, dedication to patient care, client service and ethical behavior are viewed as part of each student’s training as a veterinarian. Proven cases of academic dishonesty or misconduct are subject to disciplinary action.

  5. Reporting Violations of The Constitution of Student Board of Ethical Behavior

    It is desired that any suspected violation be handled with the least formal involvement possible, however, a faculty member or student will refer an apparent violation to both Class Justices in writing, with a copy to the student, outlining the nature of the apparent violation and the persons involved. The Class Justices will confront the student with the accusation and, when appropriate, encourage the student to make the needed adjustment. The Class Justices shall also record the apparent violation, (to be kept in a confidential file in the Dean’s Office) and if they feel it is warranted, may immediately forward the apparent violation to the Board for action and subsequent recommendation to the Dean.

  6. Procedure for Board Judicial Action

    Witnesses should be aware that they may be called upon by the Board for testimony in any subsequent investigation concerning a report of infraction. The chancellor of the Board will be responsible for notification of members of the Board, the student committing the apparent violation, and any witnesses of the time and place of the hearing. A student committing any apparent violation may be accompanied at the hearing by an attorney or advisor, who may advise, but may not otherwise participate in the hearing except with the permission of the chancellor of the Board. The accused student may also present documentary evidence and witnesses. The chancellor of the Board shall be advised at least 48 hours prior to the hearing that the student committing an apparent violation will be accompanied by an attorney or advisor. Unless the student committing an apparent violation requests an open hearing, the hearing will be closed with only those associated with the hearing present. At the end of the hearing, the Board will meet in executive session to discuss the evidence and shall determine by voice vote of the Justices if indeed there has been a violation of the Constitution. A recommendation having the approval of a simple majority of the Board members attending the meeting shall be advanced to the Dean in the form of a recommendation (with accompanying reasons) which may include Reprimand, Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion. A unanimous vote of all Justices present shall be required for a recommendation of Suspension or Expulsion. The Dean will make a decision based upon the written advice of the Board and that decision will be final within the University.

  7. Right of Appeal

    Each student appearing before the Board shall have the right to appeal to the Dean, relative to the recommendations made by the Board. To exercise that right, the student must notify the Dean within seven days after she (or he) has been notified of the Board’s recommendation.

  8. General Provisions

    Confidential: Information regarding hearings, names of witnesses and the accused, the proceedings of the Board are all to be kept strictly confidential.

    Records: All records relevant to all cases considered by the Board shall be filed in a confidential file in the Dean’s Office until graduation of the accused; then such records shall be destroyed.

  9. Amendments and Revision

    Proposed amendments or revisions of the Constitution shall be submitted to the student body of the College of Veterinary Medicine via the Board. A two-thirds majority vote shall be necessary for the adoption of such amendments or revisions with the advice of the faculty and administration of the College of Veterinary Medicine.