Bomb Threats
University Procedures for Handling Bomb Threats
Purpose: To clearly define the procedures and responsibilities of personnel who will be involved in action in the event of a bomb threat.
Definition: A bomb threat creates an emergency situation requiring the involvement of the Kansas State university Police. All persons involved need to know precisely how to proceed so that the emergency can be adequately controlled.
General: Within the University setting, bomb threats can generally be grouped into two specific categories:
Those that are a hoax and are intended to induce fear and/or disrupt the normal academic process within a specific area. The caller may often make more than one call. The majority of bomb threat calls are of this type.
Those that are real and carried out by a hostile individual(s) with intent for malicious destruction or revenge. Many of these individuals have no intention to inflict injury upon anyone and thus are motivated to give ample warning. They may even be willing to give considerable details about the device or explanation of their action.
There is no way to determine the real call from the hoax call. To insure the safety of oneself and others, each call and response must be taken seriously.
Acquiring Information: Because the caller feels his/her identity is well protected through the use of the telephone, he/she is often receptive to answering questions relating to the threat.
For telephone operators, dispatchers, or other employees who may receive bomb threats calls:
Remain Calm. It is rare that a bomb threat caller does not give notice in ample time to insure safety of building occupants.
Listen intently for voice or speech peculiarities and for background noises. Be alert for repeated use of particular works or phrases. Pay close attention to how the caller talks. Peculiarities of speech and voice can aid in later investigations.
Record immediately the date and exact time the call is received.
Try to engage the caller in extended conversation and try to ask:"Exactly where did you place the bomb?"
"What time is it set to go off?"
"What does the bomb look like?"
"What kind of explosive did you use, dynamite, black powder, TNT, plastic?"
"How will the bomb be set off; by mechanism, oxidizing agent, heat, movement?"
"Why did you place the bomb in this building?"
"May I have your name?"
If possible, keep the caller on the line and have another employee notify the KSU Police Department, 532-6400. If the caller hangs up, immediately notify the KSU Police. If you receive a busy signal, dial 532-6412.
Threat Response: KSU Police officers will respond to the area, notify the building occupants and department heads, and conduct a search of the affected area and building(s). It should be noted that the persons best suited to search any given area are those who work in that area for they will have the least difficulty spotting new or foreign objects. Some persons may object to assisting but the value of their assistance should be explained to them, including the safety rules and search procedures.
KSU Police: Shall have authority and responsibility to order evacuation of the building. Shall designate persons to search any given area. Designate time the search may take and indicate when the building may be occupied.
Staff, Instructors, and Students: Are required to follow KSU Police evacuation directions. Instructors have the option to meet the interrupted class in the following temporary sites. Choice should be based on profundity and appropriateness of the class size. Ahearn Balcony Bleachers – East, West & South, Chem/Biochem Lobby, Durland Atrium, Derby Lobby, Library Lobby, McCain Lobby, Nichols Lobby, Waters-1st floor entry, Weber Lobby, Outdoors-weather permitting.
It is understood that these are not ideal conditions, but do provide an opportunity to complete a class.