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Wellness Resources
Call Hall Collaboration
We recognize that food insecurity is a real challenge for many of us at different times in our lives. Counseling Services collaborates with K-State’s Call Hall to provide dairy, eggs, meat and flour products for purchase. Students are chosen randomly from a monthly sign-up and can purchase up to $30.00 worth of food items in one transaction.
Caring For Others
Each week nominate a fellow student, staff or faculty member for the Caring for Others Award. You will need to describe in moderate detail the nominee you have observed making a meaningful difference outside of the regular job activities that demonstrates a commitment to upholding the CVM environment. Nominations can be submitted via the Qualtrics survey sent in the weekly email invitation and are due by noon on Friday. The recipient will be announced pending approval and will receive a lunch certificate.
Please contact Counseling Services at 785-532-4247 or vetmedcounselingservices@vet.k-state.edu with any questions about this award or process.
Cat’s Pawse Wellness Events
Students will be notified by email about upcoming Cat's Pawse Wellness events.
Chair Massage
Veterinary students are invited to sign up for a chance of being selected to receive a 10 minute stress relief chair massage by a licensed massage therapist.
Finals Breakfast
During finals week in the fall and spring semesters we host a breakfast for all classes.
Fitness Center
The Fitness center is available to students, faculty and staff with 24/7 secured access.
Peer Support Scholars
Fellow peers are a rich source of support as students navigate new or stressful circumstances. Veterinary training is no exception. At times, however, students may wish to help but feel ill-equipped to help a classmate or friend. Keeping in mind the value of peer relationships and the need for additional skills, the CVM Counseling Services is launching the Peer Support Scholars Program (PSS). The PSS program is a group of trained veterinary students who are safe individuals to request for support, resources, or a referral. Currently, we have five students who have been in training for the role of peer supporters: Sophia Sutton (2027), Michaela George (2027), Destiny Serrano (2027), Greta Karwath (2026) and Maura Porter (2026). Their training includes: mental health first aid, listening skills, empathy, boundaries, ethics and confidentiality. Confidentiality will be a key aspect of this program and training.
These students will remain in training for the entire time they are peer supporters, through supervision provided by the KSU CVM counselors. Please welcome our newest Peer Support Scholars, and consider them as another valuable resource available for you or when encountering someone who may need assistance. You can find more information about our peer supporters and their contact information here. Let us know if you have any questions about this program.
Need In Kind (NIK) Fund
For students with urgent financial needs. Please contact Counseling Services at 785-532-4247 or vetmedcounselingservices@vet.k-state.edu with any questions about this award or process.
Purple Pantry
The CVM recognizes food insecurity is a reality for a proportion of our students, grad students and house officers. Since 2019, the CVM has sponsored a self-service food pantry called Purple Pantry. It is located in Trotter Hall 015. CVM students, grad students and house officers experiencing food insecurities are invited to utilize this resource. The Purple Pantry takes food donations during regular business hours at 001 Trotter Hall.
Purple Threads
Purple Threads is a professional/business clothing exchange for students to attend meetings, presentations and interviews. Purple Threads also re-purposes scrubs, lab jackets and rubber boots for class needs. Clothing is available free of charge.